16 January 2010

National Planning Commission: nominations needed without delay

On-line Nominations to the National Planning Commission

The above is a facsimile of the Presidency’s National Planning Commission nomination form. Click here, or on the image, to go direct to the form online.

The Revised Green Paper on the National Planning Commission was published on 15 January 2010. It includes an invitation to nominate for the members of the Commission (before 10 February 2010). Click here to read the Green Paper in HTML, or here to download the original PDF version from the Presidency web site.

Anyone may nominate, and anyone may be nominated, to the NPC. The following information is needed: 
  • Title, Name, Surname, E-mail address, Contact number, Race, Gender, Disability (yes/no), Employer, Fields of expertise, of the nominee
  • Professional qualifications, Employment history, Sample of publication, CV (file, for attachment), of the nominee
  • Details of the nominating person/organisation (“Your Persons Details”). Individuals may also nominate themselves.
Time is short. The deadline is 10 February 2010.

Tactically, no organisations’ interests will be served by restricting the number of their nominations. The 2009 nomination process for the new SABC Board showed that the successful tactic is to nominate as many suitable candidates as possible. There were 235 nominations on that occasion, and the direct consequence of such a great public demonstration of national concern and interest was an SABC Board that began its term with authority, credibility and self-confidence.

What kind of people should be nominated?

There is no requirement for celebrity “analysts” or media pundits on the National Planning Commission.

The bourgeoisie will have their share of nominees, both from inside and from outside of the ANC. That is unavoidable, and even desirable. These bourgeois nominees will no doubt include a sufficient quota of “professors”.

So above all, the country needs a qualitatively strong, and a good large number, of tried and tested working-class cadres among the nominees.

The best examples of this kind of cadre that spring to mind are the past and present Provincial Secretaries of the SACP and COSATU, and their peers in the labour movement. These are decisive, realistic men and women who have given leadership at the tough coalface of development for many years past in this country.

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” That much has not changed, and will not change until the class division of society has been done away with.

Development is class struggle!
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